August 10, 2004 - Helsinki, Finland - Jäähalli (the Ice Hall)

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General Information

Date: August 10, 2004
Location: Helsinki, Finland
Venue: Jäähalli (the Ice Hall); Nordenskiöldinkatu 11-13, 00250 Helsinki, Finland [ Venue website ]
Box Office Number: (09)4777020
Additional Info: Doors open 8:30pm. Opening band was Hybrid Children

Set List

  • Sucker Train Blues
  • Do It For The Kids
  • Headspace
  • Crackerman
  • Illegal I Song
  • It's So Easy
  • Fall To Pieces
  • Big Machine
  • Set Me Free
  • Used To Love Her
  • Slither
  • Sex Type Thing
  • Mr. Brownstone
  • Bodies

Reviews (15) [ send in your own review/pictures of the Helsinki show ]

Thanks to Metal Katie: There were a couple of changes to Velvet Revolver's show in Helsinki. First, the show was moved to a bigger hall due to increasing ticket demand, and then a local warm up act was added to the bill at the last moment.

The Old Ice Hall is not the best possible place to have a show, but this time the acoustics were fine and the sound level was kept surprisingly low. This show would have definitely fit better in a club, but thanks to the eager audience that rushed to the front, it was definitely as hot as in it would have been in a club, if not hotter. Weiland started promisingly enough, taking off a piece of clothing per song but sadly stopped only after removing his hat, coat and shirt! There was lots of extra eye candy to be had since the only member not ending up without a shirt was Dave. As could be seen, the whole band seemed to be in pretty good shape. Since this super group only has one album under their belts so far, their actual set only lasted 50 minutes, and that included a jam during the "Illegal I Song," during which Weiland got to play keyboards. The fourth song was STP's "Crackerman," but the biggest cheers went to "It's So Easy". It seemed like most of the audience were there to hear GN'R tunes, since those were the ones that got the biggest reaction from the crowd. They played "Used To Love Her" in the first encore, and the place exploded when they started the second encore with "Mr. Brownstone." Slash even came out wearing his top hat! They weren't too many smiles to be seen on stage (not counting Matt's sunny face). The rest of the group seemed to be focusing more on working than enjoying themselves. Weiland is an enigmatic front man, but seems to sport a "working solo" attitude. The band's chemistry seemed to be working best between Duff and Slash, who could be seen leaning against each other's back at times, and positioning themselves as a united front. Every time either Slash or Duffy came to the front of the stage, the crowd cheered and pushed forward and acted hysterical, which they both seemed to get a kick out of. The show ended in a Sex Pistols cover, to which Weiland managed to insert an original Johnny Rotten feel. After every one else had left the stage, Matt took Slash's guitar and acted out an extra guitar solo.

The show was sadly over after only an hour and 20 minutes. Someone should've told them to rehearse more songs to include to their set!

By the end of the show, the opening act was forgotten but it must be said that Hybrid Children did play a good show and positively advertised their up and coming new album. They even played a song from the new album called Downer , which can be downloaded from their site. This band is worth checking out since they do have catchy songs and they were, after all, hand picked by the headliner to open the show! Duff was even seen standing at the side of the stage during the HC's show.

Thanks to New Breed Of: It was one of the greatest concerts/evenings/moments in my life! Even though I almost sat as far away from the stage as possible (and wishing to be closer) and even though I almost was the only one standing in my row!

I dunno... it's pretty hard to explain how... great it was to see and hear them! I had only found out 4 days before the concert that Velvet Revolver was comming to Helsinki so I had to act fast to get tickets etc. and didn't have time to really feel how it would be to actually hear and see Slash, Duff, Matt, Dave and especially Scott, before they suddenly were there -in front of me on the stage! I bought Contraband the day before the concert and that whole day and the hours before to concert, I was listening to it and falling more and more in love with all the songs it was so incredible to then hear songs like Sucker Train Bluse, Do it For the Kids, Fall to Pieces and Set me Free! So crazy - and amazing!

Thanks to Juha: It was the best night of my life. I loved the gig. It was something so amazing. I've been waiting about 14 years to see Slash, Duff & Matt. And now it happened. Slash gave me inspiration to start playing guitar when I heard GN'R. And now I've played almost 10 years. Seeing my idols alive and rocking was something so special. And oh how I loved the old GN'R-songs. I also love every single song on Contraband, so the concert really rocked the hell out of me. I almost passed out at some point of the concert cause I was going so wild (and so was everyone else around me) jumping around and screaming and headbanging. And the band really seemed to enjoy playing in Finland. And they sounded great. I was a little disappointed 'cause they didn't end the set with Negative Creep. But what the hell, I don't complain. As I said, it was the best night in my whole fucking life! Thank you Velvet Revolver so much! And I really hope that they'll come back to Finland soon!

(fans, check out #Velvet Revolverrevolver and at ircnet!)

Thanks to Anya: Simply the best concert I've ever been to. The guys were so energetic and really seemed to be enjoying every minute of it (the crowd most certainly was!). In addition of Velvet Revolver songs they also played GN'R [It's So Easy, Mr. Brownstone & Used To Love Her], probably some STP songs [uh, I'm not really familiar with STP... yet ;)] and the show ended with a Sex Pistols cover. Hell yeah, rock n' fucking roll!! Hopefully we'll be seeing them in Helsinki again some day... I'm still so excited about being there. Absolutely loved it! <3

Thanks to Inka: I was waiting that moment till I first heard about Duff, Slash and Matt, I was about three or four years old. Now, almost 14 years later, they came. They came, they saw, they won, they rocked. I instantly started to cry when I saw Duff... I don't have much to say... Anyway: COME BACK YOU GUYS! WE MISS YOU ALREADY! ;____;

(#Velvet Revolverrevolver @ ircnet - all fans, get in there!)

Thanks to Timo Isoaha and Velvet Revolver odotetussa iskussa Helsingissä. Jenkkiläisen superyhtye (Stone Temple Pilotsin Scott Weiland, Guns 'N' Rosesin Duff McKagan, Slash ja Matt Sorum sekä Wasted Youthin Dave Kushner) Helsingin Kulttuuritalolle aiottu keikka myytiin hetkessä loppuun, joten stadionluokan muusikoista koottu porukka nostettiin soittamaan muutamaa astetta isompaan Helsingin jäähalliin. Paikalle saapuikin noin viisituhatta ihmistä (joukossa oli muuten ei-niin-yllättäen todella paljon suomalaisia rock-kasvoja The 69 Eyesin johdolla), joka on ehdottoman hyvä saavutus aurinkoisena tiistai-iltana. Jäähalli ei edelleenkään tunnelmaltaan kovin kummoinen musiikkipyhättö, eivätkä tyhjät penkit auttaneet asiaa. Permanto oli toki myyty loppuun, mutta sekin täyttyi ihmistä vain miksauspöytään asti. Luulisi, että "jäälle" uskaltaisi kaupata hieman enemmänkin lippuja, mutta säännökset ovat säännöksiä.

Helsinkiläisessä On The Rocks -ravintolassa maanantaita viettäneen Velvet Revolver -miehistön Contraband on tämän vuoden ehdottomia rock-helmiä, joten keikkaan kohdistui kohtalaisen suuria odotuksia. Tämän tason muusikot järjestävät aina hyvän shown, mutta entäpä muut puitteet? Tiukasti soittaneen ryhmän soundit olivat aavistuksen tukkoiset, mutta toisaalta miksaaja ei luukuttanut liian lujaa. Keikkaa pystyi kuuntelemaan ilman korvatulppia, joka on miksaajalta jo melkoisen hyvä saavutus. Orkesterin lavasteet rajoittuivat lähinnä vahvistinpinoihin, mutta toisaalta kovin moni paikalle saapunut ei varmasti kaivannut tai odottanutkaan mitään GNR-megashowta.

Setti noudatti Velvet Revolverin tutuksi tullutta kaavaa. Contrabandilta kuultiin ansiokkaimmat raidat ja keitosta maustettiin muutamilla "yllätyksillä". Odotetuimpia Velvet Revolver -liitännäisiä biisejä olivat varmasti Guns 'n' Rosesin It's So Easy, Used To Love Her ja Mr. Brownstone. Stone Temple Pilotsin Crackerman ja Sex Type Thing saivat yllättävän laimean vastaanoton ja STP:n hienoimpiin hetkiin kuuluva Sex Type Thing tuntui olevan suorastaan outo kappale suurelle osalle yleisöstä. Oli muuten jännä huomata, että Velvet Revolver esitti Sex Type Thingin heti oman Slither-kappaleensa jälkeen. Ja Slither ei todellakaan ole kovinkaan kaukana STP:n tarttuvan kulkevasta poljennosta. Jatkuva ja tempoltaan samankaltainen riffittely alkoi myös puuduttamaan konsertin loppua kohden ja Contrabandin balladinomaisemmat raidat nousivatkin keikalla arvoon arvaaMattomaan. Aivan loistavia suvantokohtia.

Aikaisemmin päivällä Duff McKaganin (tsekatkaa myöhemmin Kaistalta pitkä ja erittäin mielenkiintoinen McKagan-videohaastattelu) kanssa oli puhetta myös muista lainabiiseistä. Mies kyseli, putoaakohan Helsingissä paremmin Sex Pistols vaiko Cheap Trick. Jenkkilässä supersuosiota nauttinut / nauttiva Cheap Trick ei ole ikinä ollut esimerkiksi Suomessa kovin merkittävä yhtye, joten Sex Pistolsin puoleen oli helppo kääntyä. Ja Bodieshan sieltä sitten tulikin.

Velvet Revolverin miehet eivät ehkä ole raitistuneet täysin (vaikka sellaistakin ovat suustaan päästäneet), mutta jäähallin lauteille nähtiin kuitenkin yllättävänkin elinvoimainen porukka. Langanlaiha Weiland heilui koppalakki päässään kuin Axl Rosen ja Lee Dorrianin risteytys, encoreissa tutun silinterinkin päähänsä vetäissyt Slash ja suuren osan keikasta paidatta vetänyt McKagan heiluivat jäähallissa taas aivan yhtä antaumuksella kuin vuonna 1991 ja pahaksi pojaksi haastattelussa paljastunut Sorum paiskoi kovaa, mutta tarkasti. Ryhmän tunteMattomimman jäsenen Kushnerin osuus jäi odotetusti melkoisen vaisuksi vaikka mies pääsikin väläyttämään pari sooloa. Mutta tosiaan, oman akselinsa ympäri pyöriessään koppalakkinen Weiland näytti toisinaan aivan Axl Roselta. Sattumaa, ironiaa vai mitä?

Mitä yhteistä muuten on It's So Easylla ja Sex Type Thingillä? Kuinka monesti Slash on "kuollut"? Nähdäänkö Duff ja Axl Rose vielä samalla lavalla? Nämäkin asiat selviävät hieman myöhemmin Kaistan haastattelusta.

Thanks to Helsingin jäähallissa esiintyi tuore kokoonpano, jonka jäsenet näyttivät tutuilta kuin sarjakuvien piirroshahmot. Superyhtye Velvet Revolverin keikka osoitti, että legendoissa riittää imua ilman emoyhtyeitäkin. Tapahtumaa todisti noin innostunutta 5 000 silmäparia.

Festarikesä on armotta takana, mutta kaivattua loiventavaa tarjottiin tiistaina, kun Velvet Revolverin teki ensivierailunsa Suomeen. Pelinhenki oli alusta pitäen, että jenkkitähdet hoitavat hommansa kotiin ja suomalaiset elävät tunteella mukana. Vaikka fiiliksiä voi kuvailla sanoilla haltioitunut ja äänekäs, niin mistään pankinräjäytyksestä on turha puhua. Riehakkaasta rokki-illasta kylläkin.

Vaikka moni oli tullut katsomaan Gunnari-ketjun Slash-McKagan-Sorum edesottamuksia kuuleMatta nuottiakaan Velvet Revolverin miljoonamyyntiin yltäneeltä Contraband-albumilta, niin yksin vanhojen kappaleiden varaan ei keikka jäänyt, vaan omatkin kelpuutettiin. Biiseistä Do It For The Kids voisi olla yksi Gunnareiden helmistä ja Slither Stone Temple Pilotsin hiteistä.

Parhaiten yleisöön vetosivat kuitenkin alkuperäisiä nuolevat versiot Gunnareiden biiseistä It`s So Easy ja Mr. Brownstone . Myös Stone Temple Pilotsia irtosi pelkistetyltä lavarakennelmalta parin kappaleen verran. Sex Type Thing ja vauhdilla rokattu Crackerman olivat lähtivät kuin STP:n käsistä.

Esitys oli muutoinkin kerrassaan elinvoimainen ja herrojen rasvaprosentit kohdallaan. Langanlaiha Scott Weiland, jolla on matkassa oma ehdonalaisvalvoja, liikkui kuin sähköjänis ja laulukin sujui humuvuosista huoliMatta. Itsensä lähes hengiltä ryypännyt Duff McKagan, 40, omaa nyt pullaposkien sijasta kylän tiukimman sixpackin ja Slash soittaa edelleen muut suohon, vaikkei lavalla enää Jack Daniels-pulloa näykään.

Thanks to Zeegmeister: It was awesome! I've been waiting all my life to see Slash and Duff and the rest of the guys, so I was really into this concert!! They played really well and kicked ass like 200%! Only 1 slow song on the set so sweat was pouring alright!! No need to tell the setlist since it's here already. Great show, hope they come back soon. Cheers for Velvet Revolver!!!

Thanks to Tuomas: The show was fucking amazing. Hybrid Children started around 21pm, they were ok, but everyone was waiting for Velvet Revolver. Then around 22.30 the lights went out,and the band was intoduced to the stage. Duff was standing on the monitor-speakers and started to play Sucker Train Blues. Set Me Free was amazing, Slash and Dave traded solos for a while! Dave is a good lead player also. I didn't know he does that on stage. Then came the first break. After the short break Slash came on stage with his top hat and started playing something. Then the band played Used To Love Her, Slither and Sex Type Thing. Then came the second short break and after that Matt came on stage and started to play You Could Be Mine on the drums (the place went nuts of course!), before hitting to Mr. Brownstone with the rest of the guys. The last song for the night was Bodies. I tried to get the setlist from a monitoring guy(?) but he said that that one was his only copy and that he had made some notes to it so he couldn't give it to me. Then my friend walked at the front and found a fucking guitar pick on the floor. On the otherside was the text Velvet Revolver and on the otherside was a picture of a skull with bones and the letters D K. I'm not sure about the letters because they were worn out from the sweat. Hell, it was a great show and I bought two shirts so the night was a success even though I was sick and I would have liked to be the one who found a pick. It was the closest I ever get to see GNR and Velvet Revolver is a fucking amazing live band. Scott is defenitly the right guy for this band and I was not the only one who said that.

Thanks to Jay: I think the show was GREAT!!!Slash and all other guys was so cool. It was better than I hope and I hope something goood. But I didn`t like the Hybrid Children..

Thanks to Kimble: Velvet Revolver ROCK HELSINKI! Yesterday was without a doubt the best day of my life. I was one of those lucky few who got the chance to actually meet the band! We met them at hotel Kämp. They signed autographs and we took pictures with them. I have Slash's, Dave's, Duff's and Matt's signature and also photos where I'm with them! Scott wasn't there for some reason. These dudes are my idols and Gods and an everyday inspiration for me. I was in heaven yesterday! The meeting lasted for 15 minutes which felt more like 3 minutes. I was so star strucked. But it was great! Really great!

After the meeting we headed to the Ice Hall. We were there two hours before the doors opened. Finally they let us in, we went to our seats and realised that these seats are crappy as hell! There was this big confusion with the tickets. We had to trade the tickets we'd bought for the concert to other tickets at the Ice Hall (for some stupid reason) and the ones we got were...B.S.! So we thought this isn't gonna be the place we were gonna watch the gig so we went and sneaked to better seats. And we pulled it off! We (me and two good friends of mine) were about 25 metres left from the stage in the stands. The view to stage was good and clear and there was enough space for us to dance and to rock. And then the lights went out and the gig started. OH! MY! GOD! That yesterday's show was something special! It sounded so much better than any I've heard and saw on the internet. They sounded so tight and strong. And good! Set Me Free was the highlight! Also Sex Type Thing (STP) was amazing. Every song sounded so much better live than they do on the album. I really start to appreciate Scott's singing skills! The way he sang the! He is the right man to this band. I had my doubts about it before but now I'm sure. And you know Slash. The man's no human! And Matt was totally insane behind the drums. Oh man!I can't remember the whole setlist but they opened with Sucker Train and Do It For The Kids and ended the show with Mr. Brownstone. It was pretty much a basic Velvet Revolver set. No surprises. They also covered Sex Pistols' song which name I don't know. No Cheap Trick this time. I was having so much fun! Me and my friends danced and jumped up and down and did the air guitar and air drumming and everything so much that at some point I thought I was gonna pass out. Then I thought I take it a little easier but at the same time the band kicked off Sex Type and there was no chance I was taking a break during this song! Now my neck is hurting like hell and my voice is totally gone because of the singing (okay, screaming) but I don't mind. I really don't.

Thank you so much Velvet Revolver F'n' Revolver! :)

Thanks to Noora: Velvet Revolver really rocked last night! The show was like thousand times better then I had expected. One of my biggest dreams has been for years to see Slash live. I never thought that would happen. So thank you Slash. And thank you Velvet Revolver for that one hell of an evening!

Thanks to Johanna: Fucking awesome! Just when show started I knew it's going to be the best I've ever seen. Slash is living legend and he proved it on Tuesday again. I can't understand how he can be so great! Velvet Revolver came twice back to the stage to play some more. Slash without a shirt, wearing the top hat. That's what I call ROCK! The cover of Sex Pistols really rocked the whole hall.

Photos I took aren't so good ones but the feeling is still high. Go Velvet Revolver, rock 'em all!

Thanks to Juhis: The show was so damn cool! Matt even gave us a little solo in the end of the show.

I'm still so high on it so let someone else tell the highlights and rock on! And go see Velvet Revolver!!!

Thanks to Arttu: You wanted the best.. they fucking make it... From Hollywood Velvet Revolver! Duff came to to the stage first and started Sucker Train Blues standing alone in the spotlights. The rest of the band then followed and the rocking started. Some nice light effects here. Slash was wearing Nirvana t-shirt and Scott a police uniform stylish leather suit and cap. Some wild stage moves by Scott and he was also using a megaphone. Next songs were Do It For The Kids, Headspace and Crackerman. Nothing special there but of course all the songs were much better live. After some of those songs Slash came to microphone and made this funny "bua-ha-ha-ha" ghost laughter. Next one was Illegal I Song which had cool jamming part in the middle. Matt got to show his drumming skills and Slash played a cool voicebox-solo. It's So Easy got probably the warmest reaction from the audience. After a short cigarette pause we heard Fall To Pieces which was absolutely gorgeous. Nice and clean soloing by Slash who spit the cigarette out of his mouth right after the solo ended. After Big Machine the band went to Set Me free which was the musical high point with a long rocking ending part where both Slash and Dave Kushner soloed. After the main set Matt came to say "kiitos" to microphone which is thank you in Finnish.

Slash got extra-applause when he came back to stage for encores wearing his tophat. Used To Love Her was my favourite part of the set. It looked like the guys were having a ball too playing that song. Slither started off with a different kind of extented intro where Scott was yelling with lot of reverb in his voice. Lots of hurraying when the audience recognized the song. Sex Type Thing was heavy

Matt started second encore set with the drumbeat of You Could Be Mine but changed then to Mr Browstone. Slash started to make those familiar scratching noises and the crowd went wild. The last song was Bodies which Scott announced to be by the fucking Sex Pistols. Matt left the stage as a last one again after his funny little guitar solo :) Great rock show.

That's all for now. Hope there aren't too many spelling mistakes, I'm tired.