September 7, 2007 - Vancouver, Canada - Pacific Coliseum

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General Information

Date: September 7, 2007
Location: Vancouver, Canada
Venue: Pacific Coliseum; 100 N. Renfrew St., PNE Grounds, Vancouver, BC Canada V5K 3N7 [ Venue website ]
Box Office Number: 604.251.7787
Additional Info: Support Act: Alice in Chains w/ Kill Hannah

Set List

  • No setlist info available.

Reviews (8) [ send in your own review/pictures of the Vancouver show ]

Thanks to El Guapo: Great show, one of the best ive ever seen! dont quite remember the set list, but they played all the good ones, a few guns n roses songs and some stp. ill definitely go again if they come back!

Thanks to Jaci: Amazing-see for yourself

Thanks to Jennifer Larsen: AWESOME SHOW. Best one that I've ever been to, but how can you beat 1st row on the "Slash side" eh? Scott's vocal were awesome and within the 15 minutes of starting he came over and slapped my sister and I's hands...Slash spent most of his time 3 feet in front of us and Duff was gallivanting all over the place, grinning down and even smiling for my camera pics. Things went from great to awesome as they slowed it down to an acoustic set where Matt's 2nd kit was in front of us, like 10 feet back which was awesome. Matt flashed a huge grin @ me and an air smooch motion followed by some more gazing, got me all flustered. After the 3rd encore the band called it a night throwing the remaining picks and drum sticks into the crowd...and making an awesome show even better Sorum walked up and handed me a concert stick. Anyway amazing show, the sound was pretty decent and it seemed like lots of people had a good time. Loved that they played Patience and the songs from Libertad were great.

Thanks to Andrew: Bummed to miss Sparta, but Alice in Chains were great, a perfect primer for the imcomparable Velvet Revolver, lead by the ultra-smooth voice and gyrations of Mr. Weiland! The sound at our seats, 13 row floors was loud and proud, and our butts never touched the seats once VR came on. Well freakin' done Velvet Revolver! Money well spent.

Thanks to Vancityboy: im not a major fan. my second VR show.
huge crowd for alice in chains.
it wasnt sold out. duff and weiland looked into it stalking the stage left and right. cant tell if slash was tired or bored but he came alive during the last quarter. he left the stage alot.
during the 'unplugged' section, everybody were on stools with a spotlight on them except for kushner. why not? like he was excluded or something. if he's gonna be in the promo shots, he'd better be more a part of the show than just hiding in the shadows and away from the action which didnt look right.
weiland moved around like a wasted east hastings st drunk with ants in his pants looking for a fix. he comes across like a cross between mick jagger and iggy pop and sounded like bowie at times. loved it.
what cracked me up laughing was when weiland said " we're gentlemen, we like to sing love songs too"..... i need the bootleg just for this part.
biggest response went to 'patience' and 'mr. brownstone' ( which for some weird reason caused weiland to sway and dance like axl for a few moments ). i thought the 4 rectangular structures could've been rounded. they kept bumping around the corners alot. minor issue.
it was 5 minutes shy of 2 hours. good for vancity that they took a long break before our show. im just perplexed why the WeatherGod didnt let it rain like a goddamn faucet as usual. apart from a guy peeing on the aisle behind us, it was a good night with bad chinese food afterwards.

Thanks to T: Awsome show, way better than the show in 05 i saw, Alice in Chains was phenominal. if you closed you eyes it sounded like layne was singing, thats how good william duval is. velvet revolver had alot of jump to them they were bouncin around all over the place. the only thing i was a little dissapointed with was the set lists for both bands. ive looked at all the set lists for all the past shows and we only got like 75% of the ones they normally play. but either way they fuckin rocked, and also tore thru some STP and GNR classics, my favorite being Patience. scotty did a good job on it....but hes no Axl..:P

Thanks to Pete: Totally out of control! AIC was unbelievable and the new lead singer was a King! Never heard applause be loud and then louder and louder after they finished their last song "Would?" Really powerful and you could tell that Jerry, Mike, Sean, & William were appreciative of the Vancouver love.

Velvet Rules! They delivered the quintessential rock show. Slash was unbeatable, all of his solos were bang on... Scott Rocks... Yay Duff and Sorum and Kuschner did what they needed to do... keep the beat and be happy they are on the Revolver team. 3 encores and a lot of people thought it was over after 2. Not so fast lame-o because the third encore was more quality rock. Great time but why do people go to shows to sit down for the entire time? Get in the game suckers or Get out the Door!

Thanks to Harry: pretty fuckin awsome show