October 2, 2007 - Pelham, AL - Verizon Wireless Music Center

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General Information

Date: October 2, 2007
Location: Pelham, AL
Venue: Verizon Wireless Music Center; 1000 Amphitheatre Drive, Pelham, AL 35124, U.S.A. [ Venue website ]
Box Office Number: 205-985-0703
Additional Info: Support Act: Alice in Chains w/ Kill Hannah
Thanks to Jay for the set list.

Set List

  • Let it Roll
  • She Mine
  • Sucker Train Blues
  • Do It for the Kids
  • Big Machine
  • Vasoline
  • The Last Fight
  • Interstate Love Song
  • Patience
  • She Builds Quick Machines
  • Get Out the Door
  • Fall to Pieces
  • It's So Easy
  • Set Me Free
  • Slither

Reviews (4) [ send in your own review/pictures of the Pelham show ]

Thanks to B: Scott Weiland was totally out of it. Fell asleep during 'Patience'. When he finally woke up, he forgot all the words. My favorite is when he made a drug induced speech about steaks then called a little girl the anti-chirst. During Slash's solo's, he would try to howl over the guitar until thankfully they turned his microphone off. Thank god the show ended. He mumbled and howled like a wolf during the majority of 'Slither'. Alice in Chains blew them off the stage and Scott should be in rehab yesterday.

Thanks to Mike Halpin: If you attended the Pelham show, you know by now that this band is in some serious trouble. Weiland's bandmates could only look on in horror as Weiland broke down in Alabama. Weiland's night consisted of missed chorus', missing lyrics, incoherant rants, and nodding off on stage. The band actually cut his mic off during part of the show, and Weiland had no idea. The show was shortened due to Weilands drugged state
-let it roll, she mine, do it for the kids, sucker train blues, the last fight, interstate love song, patience, jam, it's so easy, set me free, slither

Thanks to Jay: Very fun night!! Sparta was a pretty good opening act, although the crowd was not into them at all. Alice in Chains got a HUGE reaction, and I would say the crowd was more into them than Velvet Revolver, although VR got the larger reaction after each song.

The band was definitely in top form, and Slash was amazing as always. He even played a fairly lengthy solo before Set Me Free. Scott, however, was terrible and screwed up the lyrics on about half the songs. He completely butchered Patience, and didn't seem to know where he was half the time. He kept saying very strange things to the crowd and talking about a "connection." He was very strange. I later found out from a friend who hung out with Slash before and after the show that Scott was on some major drugs, and that he and Slash had a big fight after the concert. Hope this isn't a reoccuring problem with the band.

Thanks to JC: I'll try to type a full review later on but thought I would add a few things now since no one else has yet.

First off, I love Velvet Revolver but the show the other night was not one of their best by far. This was my third time seeing them - the first time was November 5th of 2003 and they were KILLER!!! On a scale of 1 to 10..that show was a TEN. Full of energy, lots of interaction, etc. The second time was a month later in Atlanta and while they were still great...that show was about a 7.

Well, for some reason they seem to be slipping. Tuesday nights show was probably a 5 on a scale of 1 to 10. This might sound crazy, but if it would not have been for my 3rd row center seats...it might have been lower.

For starters the place was half empty (or full you can say). Secondly, they did not come on until 10:00. Ridiculous. A few of the half sold crowd actually started to leave around 9:45, etc. They did play until 11:20, but reading other reviews...it sounds like they cut out a good 25 minutes of the show.

I'm afraid maybe because of the weak ticket sales, they had a "What the hell, let's just get through the show" attitude...instead of giving 110% to the diehard fans that did buy tickets.

I'll try to post more later...but the band seemed to be going through the motions. One guy mentioned how they looked stoned except for Matt who did great...and Scott who was looking mighty drunk I'm afraid to say. Scott seemed to be a bit out of synch in parts of the show and was singing something into the microphone during one of Slash' guitar solos. No one could hear him, but he was indeed singing something. I'm not sure if he has done this at other shows but during "Set me Free" he actually jumped out into the crowd and really seemed to throw off security big time. Of course, VR security and venue security freaked out and over-reacted pushing people out of the way, etc.

I'll try to post some pictures as well later. I still LOVE VR, don't get me wrong...this just didn't seem to be one of their better nights I'm afraid to say.